Anton Pockets

Anton was diagnosed with brain cancer at 3 years old. During the several months that followed our family received an overwhelming amount of support and care. In an effort to give back we began creating NG Tube pockets (Anton Pockets) for others.

Anton Pockets are pockets that hold and secure ng-tubes.

While Anton was undergoing intense therapy, we found NG-tube pockets made taking care of Anton easier, prevented his ng-tube from getting caught on things, and reduced the chances of it getting pulled out.

NG-tubes are commonly used by individuals undergoing intense Chemo-therapy and stem cell transplants. The tube is placed in the patient's nose and extends to the stomach and can be used to provide nutrition and give oral medicines. They are are wonderfully useful!

While NG-tubes are useful, the loose end dangles from the patient's nose or behind the patient's ear. NG-tube pockets attach to the patient's clothes and secure the tube so that it is easier to manage.